Aarhus University Seal

Automated Expertise?

Artificial intelligence and algorithmic systems
as inter-professional work practices

About the project

Artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive algorithms for expert assessments and decision-making are currently introduced in a range of public services and are expected to proliferate in the future. This research project focuses on AI applications in complex organisational settings to support expert assessment, prioritisation and decision-making in interactions between public service professionals and citizens, e.g. in diagnosis and medical treatment. Based on practice-oriented ethnographic investigations of real-world AI applications, the project will generate fundamental knowledge about transformations of professional expertise and generate a new theoretical framework for understanding and improving the kinds of professional expertise required for interprofessional collaboration to develop AI systems for public services. The project systematically compares three cases of public services employing AI systems (health, education, urban planning).


The project is supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark


Partners in the research project:

  • Virginia Dignum, Umeå University
  • Anne Edwards, Oxford University
  • Rebecca Eynon, Oxford University
  • Cathrine Hasse, Aarhus University
  • Klaus Høyer, University of Copenhagen
  • Hannah Knox, University College London
  • Minna Ruckenstein, Helsinki University