Aarhus Universitets segl

Publikationer og formidling


  • Nils Arne Pedersen and John Møller Larsen: Manichaean Text in Syriac – First Editions, New Editions and Studies, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum: Series Syriaca 1, Turnhout 2013.
  • Claudia Leurini: The Manichaean Church: An Essay Mainly Based on the Texts from Central Asia, Serie orientale Roma n.s. 1, Roma 2013.


Nils Arne Pedersen: “Biblia Manichaica – Reception and Transformation of the Bible in Manichaean Sources”, i: Manichaean Studies Newsletter 26 (2011-12) s. 11-12.

Nils Arne Pedersen, John Møller Larsen, René Falkenberg: “Nyt internationalt projekt om Bibelens brug hos manikæerne”, i: Patristica Nordica Annuaria 2012, s. 17-18.

Nils Arne Pedersen: “Die Manichäer in ihrer Umwelt: Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über Soziologie der Gnostiker”, i: C. Markschies, J. van Oort (red.), Zugänge zur Gnosis. Akten zur Tagung der Patristischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft vom 02.-05.01.2011 in Berlin-Spandau, Leuven/Walpole, MA 2013, s. 245-275.

Nils Arne Pedersen: “Manichaean Self-Designations in the Western Tradition”, i: J. van Oort (ed.), Augustine and Manichaean Christianity: Selected Papers from the First South African Conference on Augustine of Hippo, University of Pretoria, 24-26 April 2012, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 83, Leiden/Boston, 177-196.

René Falkenberg: ”Filologisk oprustning på AU”, i: Præsteforeningens Blad 103/9 (2013) s. 198-199.

Nils Arne Pedersen, John Møller Larsen, “På sporet af de gådefulde manikæere”, i: Weekendavisen (Ideer), 14. marts 2014, s. 12.

Nils Arne Pedersen, René Falkenberg og John Møller Larsen, “Manikæerne så sig selv som kristne”, i Kristeligt Dagblad, Idé og Tanke, 10. september 2015, s. 5.

Fremlagte arbejdspapirer

Nils Arne Pedersen: “Præsentation af Den Kristne Orient og FKK-projektet”, Forskningsprogrammøde, Institut for Kultur og Samfund, AU, 12/9 2012.

8thInternational Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, 9-13/9 2013:

Claudia Leurini: “Šahrdār and Messiah: some semantic reflections” (11/9)

René Falkenberg: “Origin of the five noetic limbs in Manichaeism” (12/9)

John Møller Larsen: “The script of the Syriac Manichaean fragments” (12/9)

Nils Arne Petersen: “Observations about the Book of the Giants from Coptic and Syriac sources” (12/9)

Nils Arne Petersen: “The Syriac-Manichaean ‘Allberry fragments’: how they were rediscovered, and what they can tell us”, Cambridge University Library (14/9)

Nils Arne Pedersen, “New Syriac Texts in Manichaean Script – Possibly Fragments of Mani’s Book of the Giants”, Den Kristne Orient, Aarhus Universitet, 8/1 2013.

John Møller Larsen, “Manikæernes skrift”, Den Kristne Orient, Aarhus Universitet, 3/12 2013.

René Falkenberg, “Eugnostos as a proto-Manichaean text?”, Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism Network, Laval, Québec, 2/3 2014.

Nils Arne Pedersen og John Møller Larsen, “Bogpræsentation: Manichaean Texts in Syriac: First Editions, New Editions and Studies”, Den Kristne Orient, Aarhus Universitet, 18/3 2014.

René Falkenberg, “Manichaeism and the Nag Hammadi Library”, Den Kristne Orient, Aarhus Universitet, 1/5 2014.

Biblia Manichaica Project – Workshop II Roma, Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”, 17-18/6 2014:

  • Nils Arne Pedersen, “Welcome” (17/6)
  • René Falkenberg, “Biblia Manichaica Project: Methodology” (17/6)
  • René Falkenberg, “Quotations and allusions in the Greek and Coptic texts” (17/6)
  • John Møller Larsen,“Quotations and allusions in the Syriac and Arabic texts” (17/6)
  • Claudia Leurini, “Quotations and allusions in the Middle Iranian texts” (17/6)

Sessionen “Biblia Manichaica: Biblical Quotations and Allusions in Manichaean Sources” (13/8) afholdt vedXVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, University of Oxford, 10–14/8 2015:

  • Nils Arne Pedersen, “General Introduction to the Project.”
  • John Møller Larsen, “Syriac and Arabic Sources.”
  • René Falkenberg, “Methodology and the Greek and Coptic Sources.”


  • Biblia Manichaica Project – Workshop I, Aarhus Universitet, 23-24/5 2013
  • Biblia Manichaica Project – Workshop II, Roma, Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”, 17-18/6 2013. Programma Roma - PDF