Aarhus Universitets segl



Antiracist Education – Reforming Public Education Through Perspectives From Below, 26/10/2022, Corporation between Aarhus University and Aallborg University, Venue Aalborg University Copenhagen 

Affective politics. Diversity language as intergenerational moods. Sensing and looking for affective dissonances and resonance, Staunæs & Vertelyte, The politics of dress and language, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, 06/06/2023 

Have we lost the Sense of Humor?!”Affective Senses of Racial Joking in Danish Schools, Vertelyte, Antiracist Education – Reforming Public Education Through Perspectives From Below, Aalborg University Copenhagen, 26/10/2022 

Hopefuld things, Staunæs, Antiracist Education – Reforming Public Education Through Perspectives From Below, Aalborg University Copenhagen, 26/10/2022 

Have we lost the Sense of Humor?!”Affective Senses of Racial Joking in Danish Schools, Vertelyte, Department of Communication, Copenhagen University, 09/11/2022 

‘Hopeful things’: Affective Interventions in Diversity Work in Education, Staunæs & Vertelyte, paper presentation in European Conference on Educational Research, Yerevan, 2022 August 23-25 

Challenges for antiracist education in Danish schools, Theorizing antiracist education as mood work, Vertelyte, 20th Nordic migration research conference & 17th ETMU conference, 11-14, January, Helsinki 2020 

Between Exposure and Erasure: New and Old Diversity challenges, Diversity challenges of junior researchers during covid-19, Vertelyte, 15 December, Aarhus University 2020 

Diversity work as Mood Work. Affective Interventions and Experiences in Danish Gymnasiums, Vertelyte, keynote presentation, MANGFOLDIGHEDSGYMNASIET? Interkulturalitet, fag og didaktik,02/03/2023, Svendborg 

Why are they not friends? Unpacking Youth Racialization in Denmark, Vertelyte invited speaker at Researching Nordic Colonialism, Past, Present Futures, Helsinki University 24/05/2021