Aarhus Universitets segl

Advisory board

Members of the advisory board

Professor Inés Dussel

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Investigadora Titular at Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute

Associate professor Katharina Sass

  • PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology and Didactics at University of Bergen, Norway

Professor Julie McLeod

  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Capability) University of Melbourne; Professor, Curriculum, Equity and Social Change, Melbourne Graduate School of Education.

Professor Joakim Landahl

  • Stockholms Universitet


The four members of the advisory board (AB) have agreed to organize one seminar each. Seminars will last 3 hours and held online. The topics for the research dialogues are closely linked to the shared project agenda and key questions. Please see attachment for a list of professional affiliations and letters of commitment:

  1. Bits and pieces. Methodological reflections on using and combining affective sources for the writing of contemporary histories Lead Professor Inés Dussel (AB member).
  2. Postwar school reforms in the Nordic welfare states: 1968 and beyond. Lead: Associate professor Katharina Sass (AB member).
  3. Progressive education and school experiments in the late 20th century. Lead: Professor Julie McLeod (AB member).
  4. Utopian imaginaries and articulations and the 1975 reform. Lead: Associate professor Joakim Landahl (AB member)