Aarhus University Seal

ICILS Teacher Panel 2020

IT in schools during the coronavirus pandemic

The report on IT in schools during the coronavirus pandemic (It i skolen under coronapandemien) presents the Danish results of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study – Teacher Panel (ICILS TP). Data was collected in Denmark, Finland and Uruguay in collaboration with the International Association for the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IEA).

The study is a panel study where teachers who participated in ICILS 2018 were asked again in 2020 about their attitudes towards and use of IT in the teaching. Between the two points of data collection, the world was hit by a global coronavirus pandemic, forcing schools to implement emergency teaching – largely with the help of IT. ICILS TP thus provides information about how teachers’ attitudes towards and use of IT in the teaching changed during the coronavirus pandemic.

In Denmark, the study was conducted by Jacob H. Christensen, Jeppe Bundsgaard and Christian C. Kjeldsen from DPU, Aarhus University. Furthermore, Morten Pettersson and Stig T. Gissel from UCL contributed to the final report. The study was co-funded by the Ministry of Children and Education and the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University.

In the Danish part of ICILS TP, 95 schools participated, with 441 teachers, 80 school leaders and 67 IT coordinators responding to questionnaires. The data collection was conducted from November 2020 to March 2021.