Aarhus University Seal

For students

For students

There are many students involved in the NOBE project, either as part of their studies or as hired personnel.

We are currently recruiting, so please send your application to NOBE@au.dk 

The project is open to students from all degree programmes who want to help, learn new things, and/or write assignments within the project themes. For example, you can use anonymised versions of our data, or participate in our empirical work in a way that allows you to collect your own data for an assignment.

Students who want to conduct a project at NOBE are expected to contribute to our practical and analytical work. During the process, you can be involved in the project’s work routines and meetings, and gain access to our schools and data pool or receive academic guidance. For example, as part of a

  • Master's thesis
  • Bachelor’s project
  • Term project
  • Internship

We have access to four schools in Aarhus and our data collection at the schools will begin in late 2023.

E2023 pilot surveys: mapping of technology use during classes, focus-group interviews at schools about positive/negative aspect of being online in 3rd-4th grades and 7th-8th grades.

F2024 qualitative basic research: focus group interviews in schools, mapping and analysis (grounded theory/thematic analysis coding) of interview data.

F2024: preparing the design of learning materials: for example, the wishes and needs of teachers, identifying vulnerability factors (see below) for learning materials, small pilot activities with school children.

Possible additional angles for students 2023-2024: 

  • Observations during breaktimes/after-school programmes, 
  • Additional interviews with parents and teachers about challenges and what they would like to be better equipped for 
  • Additional analytical angles that students are interested in based on the focus group interviews 
  • Comparisons of digital life in 3rd-4th grades and 7th-8th grades. 
  •  Analyses of specific vulnerability factors (literature studies and/or attention in interviews/family perspectives). 
  • Patterns in 3rd-4th grade message threads, 
  • Pilot testing of M-path with children/young people - what's it like? Does it help them reflect on their screen use or online behaviour? Were they willing to answer all the questions, etc.?