Aarhus University Seal

Collaboration with Digital Transformation Lab

Clarification visit

Are you from a company where the next step in your growth is further digitization of production, process or product? In that case, it is possible to have a visit from the laboratory manager from DTL lab for a clarification visit. A typical clarification visit lasts two hours and has the following agenda:

  • You show the laboratory manager around the company and tell about your business and thoughts on development
  • The lab manager presents DTL and tells a selected crowd about the technologies that are being researched at AU
  • The Lab Manager presents an overview of financing options
  • We discuss opportunities for further cooperation


Business process

If the clarification course gives rise to a desire for more, the scheme can be expanded with a specially adapted course for the companies. The lab manager, in collaboration with the company, arranges the process that makes sense for this particular company. An example of a course could be:

Before the course, the company through the lab manager has told what they are interested in talking about, from this the lab manager has selected relevant researchers. A couple of researchers and the lab manager show up at the company in the morning. They tell about the latest research in the field to relevant participants from the company. Subsequently, participants can ask questions, which tracks the researchers' wishes and needs. A thorough tour of the company is given and the researchers ask questions. Subsequently, the researchers walk around the company unaccompanied and discuss possibilities. In the afternoon you meet for a discussion of possibilities and potentials. The day is followed by a note from AU. The memorandum states what opportunities there are for collaboration with AU, what development potentials the researchers see for the company and contact information on relevant partners.

The company process is organized in a collaboration between the Lab manager and the company. Contact lab manager Jakob Lemming for an informal talk or a meeting.


Rent a Reasearcher

If you are faced with a digitalisation challenge or opportunity in your company that requires research expertise to solve or develop, we invite you to contact us through our “Rent a researcher” scheme.

You present your digitalisation challenge or opportunity to us and we give you feedback on what the options are and what we can offer in your specific case. If it turns out that your challenge requires additional research and you would like us to explore this, we will set up a contract with you for the collaboration.

If you are interested in exploring the opportunities offered in this scheme, please contact Andy Drysdale for an informal talk or meeting.


Academic Research Collaboration Officer (RCO)

The RCO acts as a facilitator and supports partnerships with other AU academics interested in collaborating with DIGIT stakeholders, for example working with other AU research centres. The officer is responsible for planning and executing research collaboration activities such as researcher matchmaking, joint grant-proposal writing, and meetings organisation.

If you are interested in exploring the opportunities offered in this scheme, please contact Hugo Daniel Macedo for an informal talk or meeting.
