Aarhus University Seal

To parents

Questions for inspiration 

Make short videos, take photos or make short descriptions of your everyday life. Below are some ideas.

Mentions your name, age, occupation, number of children and adults in your family, age of child/children, type of dwelling (flat/house/other), geography (rural/urban, East/West Denmark).

  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your everyday life? For example, how have your habits, ways of socialising and physical contact with others changed? 
  • How have you organised your life with children and working from home? What activities do you do together and/or separately? 
  • What challenges and/or new opportunities are you experiencing in your family's changed life?
  • How and to what extent do you do special activities for young children or 'homeschooling' in your family?  
  • What do you prioritise for your children (without daycare/with 'homeschooling')?  
  • How do you keep in touch with family and friends?  
  • What do you worry about most in connection with the pandemic (illness, keeping things together, children's development, own job situation, isolation, etc.)? 
  • How do you talk about it in the family? And how/to what extent do you talk about it with the children?