Aarhus University Seal

For young children

Questions for young children

Your child can make a drawing, you and your child can make a short video together, record a chat or write it down.

Please write how old your child is and the type of dwelling you live in (e.g. a flat or house), who/how many people live in your household, where in Denmark do you live (rural/urban, East/West Denmark).

  • What is COVID?
  • Where is COVID? 
  • What is different in your day than usual? 
  • Do you do different things than usual?
  • Is there anything you like about all of you being at home?
  • Is there anything you don't like about it? 
  • Who do you play with? 
  • Where do you play? Inside – outside...????
  • Do you play differently with your siblings than usual?
  • How do you see your friends?
  • Is there anything you’re not allowed to do at the moment? Who decides what we can do? What do you think about that?
  • What does it mean when adults tell you to keep your distance? How do you do that?
  • Do you have more screen time than usual?

For children in shared custody: 

  • Is living in two places different than usual?
  • Can you do the same in both places? Or is there a difference?