Danish Aquaculture, Copenhagen University, Aarhus University and DTU Veterinary in cooperation with the Danish fish veterinarians and vaccine companies held an information meeting regarding vaccination of fish 10 May 2016 at "Ferskvandscenteret" in Silkeborg, Denmark. New knowledge regarding vaccination against redmouth disease, furunculosis and vibriosis was presented. The latest information regarding a potential new vaccine against rainbow trout fry syndrome was given.
Results from experiments and research supported by H. Henriksen Foundation, the Danish Strategic Research Council, EU 7th Framework Programme and the Danish GUDP Programme were presented, including results from ProFish, TargetFish, Stikvacc and VaxFisk.
All interested were welcomed at the meeting, which was supported economically by H. Henriksens Foundation.
The programme (in Danish) can be seen here.
The Graduate School for Infectious Diseases and Immunity, Profish and DAFINET hosted a two days international workshop 17-18 November 2015:
Fish in research: Pathogen – host interactions and vaccine effects
The workshop was free to attend and open for all. The workshop took place at the University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg Campus, seminar room, building 1-35, Stigbøjlen 7, 1870 Frederiksberg, Denmark.
The programme fileadmin/DAFINET_November_2015_Abstract_Book.pdfand the abstract book can be seen by clicking on the links.
Deadline for registration was 5 October 2015 to Professor Kurt Buchmann, kub@sund.ku.dk.