Aarhus Universitets segl



Forurettedes og gerningspersoners oplevelse af at mødes i konfliktråd : Foreløbige spørgeskemaresultater fra Konfliktråd Impact Project (KIP). / Gade, Christian B.N.; van Mastrigt, Sarah; Christensen, Søren Rask Bjerre; Andersen, Luna Kragh; Strang, Heather ; Sherman, Lawrence (2020). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitet, 27 s. Rapport (au.dk)

Videnskabelige artikler

Victim and offender ratings of mediations and restorative justice conferences: Findings from a Danish Randomized Controlled Trial. / van Mastrigt, Sarah; Strang, Heather ; Sherman, Lawrence W.; Wellnitz, Kaare Bro; Gade, Christian (2024), Victims & Offenders. Online first. 

Promoting restorative justice as de jure punishment: A vision for a different future. / Gade, Christian B. N. (2021), The International Journal of Restorative Justice, (4) online first. Eleven Journals

'Is restorative justice punishment?'. / Gade, CBN (2021), Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 38,3,127-155. https://doi.org/10.1002/crq.21293 Is restorative justice punishment? (au.dk)

External validity and assignment of experimental vs. control treatment providers within small work groups : A research note. / Sherman, L.W., van Mastrigt, S., Gade, C.B.N., Strang, H., Ammann, T. (2021), Journal of Experimental Criminology, 17,151–160. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11292-019-09406-w External validity and assignment of experimental vs. control treatment providers within small work groups: a research note | SpringerLink

Genoprettende retfærdighed og recidiv i Danmark. / Kyvsgaard, Britta; van Mastrigt, Sarah; Gade, Christian B. N. (2018), Samfundsøkonomen, 4, 23-28. Genoprettende retfærdighed og recidiv i Danmark (djoef-forlag.dk)