Aarhus Universitets segl


Jensen, B. & Marquard, M. (2020, maj 28). At lære at værdsætte diversitet i dagtilbud: – professionel kompetenceudvikling i læringslaboratorier.

Jensen, B., Hulpia, H., Režek , M. & Sousa, J. (2020). Supporting the collaboration between ECEC core and assisting practitioners: endline report of the VALUE project in 4 countries (BE, DK, PT, SL). . DPU, Aarhus Universitet.  https://www.value-ecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Endline-Report_single-page_V3.pdf

Jensen, B. & Marquard, M. (2020). Supporting the collaboration between ECEC core and assisting practitioners: Experiences of Learning Labs in the three Danish Pilot Schools. Aarhus Universitet. Country-Report_single-page_DK.pdf (value-ecec.eu)

Van der Mespel, S., Brazinha, M., Hulpia, H., Jensen, B., Marquard, M., Režek , M. & Sousa, J. (2020). VALUE Roadmap: pathways towards strengthening collaboration in early childhood education and care. VBJK: Centre for Innovation in the Early Years. https://www.value-ecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ROADMAP-DK_print-version.pdf

Jensen, B., Jager, J., Hulpia, H., Marques, A. & Cardona, M. J. (2019). Supporting the collaboration between ECEC core and assisting practitioners: Baseline study of the VALUE pilot schools in four countries, BE, DK, PT, SL. DPU, Aarhus Universitet. https://www.value-ecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/BaselineStudy.pdf

Rutar, S., Jensen, B., Marques, A., Cardona, M. J., Van der Mespel, S. & Van Laere, K. (2019). Supporting the collaboration between ECEC core and assisting practitioners: Literature Review in 4 countries (BE, DK, PT, SL). Educational Research Institute. https://www.value-ecec.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/LITERATURE-REVIEW_single-page_V2.pdf