As per 1 August 2022, the project ‘Gender-sensitive practices’ has appointed an advisory board comprising school leaders, other educational leaders, educational consultants and teachers. The board has a quality assurance role with regard to products developed to disseminate research-based knowledge from the mapping of existing literature.
Det lovende er kønsklogt og responsivt. En kortlægning af pædagogiske og didaktiske interventioner vedr. køn i naturfag, matematik og STEM-aktiviteter i grundskolen (The promising is gender smart and responsive. A mapping of educational and instructional gender-related interventions within science, mathematics and STEM activities at primary and lower secondary schools)
One of the conclusions of this mapping is that, while there is an extensive body of research-based literature on gender in relation to science, mathematics and STEM, the findings are seldom applied to everyday educational and instructional practices in schools. Gender is either ignored or seen as something to be aware of, but not as an integral part of teaching and educational approaches or as something requiring knowledge of relevant research.
Based on their own experiences with teaching and/or educational leadership, the advisory board will test new products disseminating research-based knowledge and discuss how these products can support, for instance, professional learning communities on gender in science, mathematics and instruction and be included as part of activities such as thematic teacher training days. These products are aimed at school leaders, teachers, educators, and educational consultants working within primary and lower secondary education.
Members of the advisory board: