Aarhus University Seal


TAKE PART seminar 10.-11.4.2019: TRANSFORMING CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR USERS – Current Agendas in the Interdisciplinary Turn to Participation

The seminar introduces, and offers a space for discussing, important current agendas for cultural institutions interested in participation. It begins with the premise that the present cultural, institutional and academic interest in participation often challenges traditional professional practices as well as distinctions like institution/citizen, professional/user, expert knowledge/lay experience and cultural sector/other sectors. In this way, the turn to new forms of participatory engagements also calls for interdisciplinary interaction and inspiration.


The seminar focuses specifically on three interdisciplinary topics:

1) Cultural institutions and local communities,

2) Participatory care and health in cultural institutions,

3) Users as experts/co-researchers


The seminar will stimulate discussion through presentations of current research on participation from perspectives of community arts, health humanities, and sociology. The presentations are combined with workshops where cultural institutions from UK, Croatia and Denmark present and discuss their own participatory practices and projects dealing with local communities, care/health, and knowledge production/dissemination. The program includes time for networking and visits to local cultural institutions engaged in citizen participation.


The seminar is open for all but requires registration. More about keynotes, programme, registration and more at https://events.au.dk/takepartseminar2019/about.html